How to mitigate growing Maritime Cyber Risks

How to mitigate growing Maritime Cyber Risks The global maritime industry is embracing the fast-evolving digital age, from GPS, ECDIS, AIS, ENC, ERS and e-B/L to full smart shipping. Soon, we will see fully remote and autonomously controlled smart ships navigating the oceans. As the world becomes increasingly more digital, the associated risks involved are growing exponentially, which at the same time also means higher expectations of the insurance industry. The main cyber risk trends we have seen in recent years include an increase in both frequency and severity of ransomware attacks, more sophisticated business emails making compromising attacks in […]

From burnout to balance: mastering stress in the modern workplace

Stella Sung, Senior Vice President of Head of People Solutions, North Asia, Lockton Companies (Hong Kong) Ltd. In the contemporary work landscape, stress has emerged as a pervasive challenge impacting employees across all levels. The relentless demands of meeting deadlines, managing escalating workloads, and striving for work-life balance often culminate in burnout. However, as HR and benefits professionals, we play a vital role in supporting employees in navigating stress and burnout. By implementing effective strategies and fostering a supportive culture, we can empower employees to transform burnout into balance and master stress in the modern workplace. Understanding Workplace Stress Workplace […]

Lockton Guangzhou Team meets local disabled running clubs in HKNPIS’ donation event

本公司广东团队于8月5日与五个跑步团体一起参加 “穗港跑衣捐赠暨伤健共融跑步交流会”。在诺德大中华区行政总裁叶锦强先生和他的跑步伙伴香港伤健共融网络总干事莫俭荣先生带领下,各团队兴高采烈,一起到番禺南郊公园即场配对,进行领跑训练。

Lockton China Market Newsletter November 2021

As the pandemic and economic environment are improving, China will be steady expanding in its path of economic setting. Its priorities for consideration are growth, job creation and social welfare. We have created the latest market newsletter with a collection of recent market news, regulatory changes and risk management services that suit clients’ needs. Topics: (Chinese only) 安全生产法演变及新规下的安责险 沈阳爆炸事件 — 商户及家庭的保障 限电限产与营业中断险 工伤之在家办公“遇害”是工伤吗? 新冠疫情期间进口货物的风险管理及案例分析 浅谈“冷库财产风险管理面临的挑战” 车险中关于车主的家属如何定义? Download PDF version in Chinese here. For enquiries, please contact our team. Lockton China Market Newsletter (Chinese) 诺德中国通讯期刊


2021年6月为防范非法集资宣传月,本次宣传月的主题是“学法用法护小家·防非处非靠大家”,更多详情请浏览中国银保监会官方网站。 连接: 2021年防范非法集资宣传月正式启动 防范和处置非法集资