The fast-changing reinsurance world demands access to a nimble and client-focussed reinsurance broker: a true business partner who can bring real value to every deal and help you maintain your advantage in an increasingly competitive world.
Headquartered in Singapore, our team of experienced reinsurance brokers, analysts and fully qualified actuaries aim to do exactly that, providing Lockton Asia Reinsurance clients with clearly explained and sensible advice, fused with a flair for innovation and invention, from some of the best and brightest minds in the business.
At Lockton Asia Reinsurance, our entrepreneurial spirit flourishes at every level. We challenge ourselves to share new ideas and develop new concepts, gaining a reputation for delivering intelligent new reinsurance solutions for the benefit of our clients. Underpinning our broking service, we deliver insightful research on the latest developments in your lines of business; analysis of trends and opportunities; training and workshops; as well as regular actuarial and modelling reviews.
We are experts in structuring and placement of reinsurance programmes for the following classes of business:
Gao Zubiao
SVP, Head of Lockton Re – Greater China
+852 2250 2802
William Zhou
+86 21 5820 2338 EXT 803
Mengchen He
+86 10 8514 1033
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诺德(中国)保险经纪有限公司 版权所有
Lockton Companies (China) Insurance Brokers Limited
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